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Subject My ZCON recap, a few pictures and a lot of text
Posted by BigTDogg (MA) on August 12, 2013 at 1:58 PM
  This message has been viewed 757 times.
In Reply To ZCON 2013 Official Thread posted by Dallas DamonZ on August 01, 2013 at 04:56 PM
Message So I wanted to make a big mega ZCON post but I just haven't had the time lately. The free time I did have last week was dedicated to work stuff or baby stuff or cleaning/cooking stuff. I only took a few pics, most at the Car Show on Tuesday, but I’ll go day by day. This was my first time being on the staff for the event. When I attended in 2003 I was only an attendee, so I got to socialize more and relax. This year was a bit more stressful but still an amazing time.

The Sunday before everything started, I detailed the Z for the show on Tuesday. Polished the wheels completely, even broke out Q-tips for the first time in years.

Hard to believe they’re the same wheels I’ve had since 2003, they still clean up nice!

I found a bar of this stuff in a box of stuff I have from my Papa’s garage. He passed in 2005 and had a bunch of old cool stuff. This thing doesn’t even have a barcode on it, that’s how old it is. I also have booze of his that’s barcode-less, but that seems riskier…

It actually works really well, I think I’ll use it for exterior glass going forward.

Monday was the opening banquet and the beginning of the silent auction and raffles. I got to the hotel around 2pm for the Suds and Shine, and got to spend about an hour chatting with Mad Mike. His stories never end, but he’s a great character to chat with.

Registration was only open till 5:30pm, and should have been open till 9pm or so on the first day. The NoVA crew didn’t get in till about 7:00, so they got hosed in that process. We had about 25% of the total attendance register on Monday, no pre-registering. So everyone got hosed on the buffet. But all things considered, it was still an excellent start to the event. Bob Sharp was in attendance all week, and is a very nice, down-to-earth guy with tons of great stories.

Tuesday was the show at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery in Manchester NH. Great location for a show, even if the tours only give you what equates to 10oz of Bud Light. Got to take Mitch (AquaLung) out for a quick blast to a convenience store to pick up some frosty beverages. I’m not posting all the pics, ain’t nobody got time for that. But here’s a couple of my sexy bitch:

Here’s the album: Album of 2013 show on Picasa

Some beautiful cars, some not so nice, some amazing projects and mostly very cool owners. The high comedy at the end of the week comes when Barney beats me (and many other much nicer cars) in the Nissan or Ultra Modified class. I’m not sure what class it was, I haven’t taken a show seriously since 2003 when ricey NOS-mobile robbed Pat of a GC. Mitch was a little vocal about his displeasure during the announcement at the closing ceremony, but I had to pretend like I didn’t approve while LOLing inside.

*In-process update: Justin (local ZCCNE member) just posted on my FB tagging me as Nissan Modified, 4th Generation, 2nd Place. Sweet, guess I did win something! Eh, as far as I’m concerned it’s cool, but the highlight for me was one of the judges saying “very nice integration” referring to everything being tied together well.

Tuesday night was the unofficial (but approved) dinner. I have to thank ArubaDave for his very nice gift of valve caps for everyone in attendance. And also a giant thanks to Damon for covering the first round of drinks for everyone. Sorry you guys couldn’t make it, but thanks for the support. This year was at Bertucci’s, which had excellent food. Unlike 2003, which was at Hooters, and had better scenery. That Hooters closed down years ago, so it wasn’t even a consideration :(

Wednesday was the Poker Run/Road Rally. I didn’t do this in 03 or 05, but wow, what a great time. Was in a caravan of 8 Z32s driven by myself, Bernie, Adam, Mitch, Nate, Mike D, Wayne and John. Anytime you get more than 1 Z together, it’s a blast, and this was no exception.

Started off with breakfast at the airport diner. Place was legit, lady ran a tight ship, basically whipped Adam as he ordered, and he loved every second of it. Or he was still jacked up from his agricultural excursion he had getting to the diner…

These were my M&M pancakes, after I finished my 3 eggs, 3 bacon, and 1 of 3 bagel halves. Food faced doesn’t begin to describe it:

Takin over a Mobil station:

Fantastic weather, amazing roads, just a terrific time.

Thursday was track day, and I honestly wasn’t comfortable that my car was properly prepped, so I passed. Rotors need to be turned, I need an alignment and my rear end gets squirrelly under acceleration. I spent the day at home prepping for baby deuce and the BBQ that night.

Thursday night I hosted a small get together at my place about 40 minutes from the convention. Tons of food, lots of beers and many good stories. Even though both Bernie and Adam gave me shit about what I called a Shop Vac, I still let them use it to clean up Bernie’s Speeventure from track day.

Word to the wise, if you know there will be guests from Japan at the convention (I did not), stock up on your trinkets/gifts for them, so you don’t feel like a dick all the time. I knew the Japanese culture was very formal and respectful when traveling, but these guys took it to another level. Hoover and TV were members of Ultimate Z, the biggest Z Car club in Japan (so I’m told). Below is the generosity they shared with me over the course of the week. It was very nice meeting them, and I think it may have been a trip of a lifetime for them.

Friday was the closing banquet and the biggest thing that was missing…. Camera wars… guess we’ve all grown up. Mr Matsuo was the guest speaker. If you don’t know, he is the chief designer of the 240Z. He’s a very kind man, with many wonderful stories of the Z and old Datsun days. He signed both of my sun visors, and I gave the passenger one to Carlos, because he didn’t drive his Z to the banquet because it was raining. Maybe I should take it back and send it to Nate :)

And the ice sculpture

So that about sums it up. I had a fantastic week, even as busy as it was. Wearing a “STAFF” shirt SUCKS because everyone thinks you automatically know the answers to all their questions, but I survived. I got to see many old friends, and made some new ones. I’m not naming everyone, because it was literally dozens of people spread across many platforms. I doubt I’ll be making ZCON 2014, but hopefully 2015 is a bit closer, or maybe I’ll hit ZDayZ or Branson instead.
I want to take a moment to thank the companies/individuals who sponsored the event. Without you our event wasn’t possible, so everyone owes you a sincere thanks. And when you shop at one of our sponsors, please note that you saw them on the ZCON sponsor page, or knew they were a supporter of our events. If they know it helps their business, they’ll be more likely to sponsor in the future.

Thanks for reading/looking,


One company you should never buy from

Z32 Enthusiast Group On FB

"I was way more timid then than I am now about getting in there and yanking on things." - TT XTZ 13:30:34 07/25/05

"...Downpipes own. I love them...I shall name my first-born after them with glee..." - SeedyRom 05:13:20 10/03/02

"Just ran out to get some knee pads. I'm ready now... BRING.....IT.....ON... :-) " - Dave N 19:04:30 10/31/07

"Either ignore him or beat him up. Anything else will be over his head." - Marshall 12:28:23 08/18/04

"I hope you get fucked in the ass with a pringles can." - ni[X]it 14:53:53 02/02/06

"I'm glad I have the MSP mani's." - jschrauwen 22:20:13 06/10/08

"i love the cock" - genic 22:20:47 09/25/03

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